
she/her . 19yo . neuro major
artist, writer, & designer.


Hello! My name is Aster. I use she/her pronouns.I'm a 2D & 3D artist who is primarily interested in providing community resources & telling stories.I have ADHD as well as POTS & many other medical conditions. Additionally, I'm enrolled in college as a full-time student.While I may not get back to comments or messages for a while due to these, I will always devote all of my attention, time & energy to completing commissions.

. Digital Art
. 3D Modelling
. Neurochemistry
. Genetics & Biological Psychology
. Creative, Technical, & Poetry Writing
. Media Analysis
. Worldbuilding
. Random Generation
. HTML & Python
. Shiny Hunting

. Tos .

With regards to using my artwork, my stance is different depending on if you are a commissioner or not.

Com. for youWith creditYes [credit pref]With credit
Fanart of mediaWith creditWith creditNo
Com. for someone elseAsk me + com ownerNoNo

Generally, if you post my art anywhere I would prefer if credit is properly given.I DO NOT TOLERATE MY WORK BEING TRACED & AM NOT ABOVE PUBLICALLY NAME-AND-SHAMING THOSE WHO DO SO...✧ DESIGNS ✧✧ You may sell, trade, & / or gift designs of mine that you own for any amount. You can use it for whatever you want & I do not have the right to 'revoke' a design that you own.✧ Credit me as the designer if uploading one of my designs to a site such as You may not claim to have designed something I designed, even if you own it.✧ You don't need to credit me if posting art of the design, but do not lie if asked who designed it.YOU MAY NOT TAKE HEAVY INSPIRATION, COLORPICK, OR GENERALLY COPY MY DESIGNS...✧ MY CHARACTERS ✧✧ You may add any of my OCs to 'dreamie' folders & the like.✧ Do not take heavy design inspiration from any of my OCs.DO NOT take ANY story / personality inspo from my OCs.✧ I absolutely love fanart, you don't have to ask!Please don't self-ship / ship other OCs w/ my shipped OCs.✧ Be normal about my OCs who are minors -- Don't self-ship, don't ship them w/ adults, don't draw / write NSFW of them, etc.


My commissions are currently closed! Sorry for the inconvenience.